Answer the following questions in the comment menu:
1. What kinds of country is considered democratic?
2. In democracy, an educated person has the same vote with the uneducated one. Do you think that it is fair? why?
3. Is democracy relevant to Islam? Give your reasons!
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Democracy? Explain them in brief!
Name: cinthya A K /A320100003
ReplyDeleteClass: A
1. The characteristics of democracy include the presence of involvement of citizens (the people) in the political decision making powers, either directly or indirectly (representative). The recognition, respect and protection of human rights of the people (citizens). The existence of equal rights for all citizens in all fields. Judicial institutions and an independent judiciary as a law enforcement tool. Having the freedom and liberty for all citizens. Based on the above characteristics, Indonesia is a democratic country, the people involved in political decision making, the recognition and protection of human rights. However, the implementation of democracy in Indonesia has not fully implemented well, there are still many things that deviate from democratic countries, it is because too heterogeneous people of Indonesia and also the level of education is quite low.
2.I think fair, if In democracy, an educated person has the same vote with the uneducated one. because an educated person has a more rational thought or reason when they are in front of the law. Similarly, someone who is uneducated, recording has reasons to own worldview, as before the law. With that same position, be more observant pemerintas again, responding to the aspirations of all the aspirations of the people there.
3. yes, it is. Democracy is relevant to Islam but The law of democracy is irrelevant or different from Islamic law. I think, In islam view, it is always teach us, to do converence, if there’s different view. Democracy teach us to converence anything that different. But the low of democrasi actually, different with the low of islam, that it must do according syariah islam.
•Democracy can provide for changes in government without violence. In a democracy, power can be transferred from one party to another by means of elections. The jurisdiction of the citizens of a nation determines its ruling authority.
•the people gain a sense of participation in the process of choosing their government. They get the opportunity to voice their opinions by means of electoral votes. This breeds a sense of belonging towards society
•Plutocracy: : A plutocracy is a nation ruled by the rich as a matter of policy. Most nations are arguably ruled by the rich as a matter of practice, but few codify this practice in law.
•Tyranny of the majority: A phenomenon is characterized by the homogeneity of public opinion, due to the psychological dynamics of democratic politics queer community.
•Political instability: a situation where by a country is currently going through political turmoil. It may also involve the death of people within that country and in many cases the country detoriates in terms of its economic progress.
Riyana Kusuma Dewi / A 320100082
ReplyDeleteClass : C
1. The full dominance in hand society, for society and from society.
The country given the right voice of society to voting and vote.
Giving free to human right.
The goverment as a implementer the constituation.
Give the good service to the society.
2. I think it is fair, because in democratic country every person have the right to voting and vote. Although the person educated or uneducated because there are equivalent degree of people in country democratic, I know that from indonesia because the law in Indonesia apply like that, without different from the education. All the society that has enough old can vote.
3. Yes it is, democratic is relevant with islam because the idea of the coexistence of democracy and Islam has raised controversy among writers and theorists: on the one hand, many present significant empirical evidence to prove that in Muslim countries, democracy is either weak or nonexistent and they use religion to explain this phenomenon. Others suggest that religion cannot be used to explain democratic development, and hence, they attribute the lack of democracy in Muslim countries not to Islam, but to other factors. Many believe that where Islam is present, democracy cannot be. In his paper entitled Does God Matter, and If So Whose God: Religion and Democratization, John Anderson writes, with regard to Islam it was argued that reliance on a fixed religious text and quasi-legal ordinances, the emphasis on divine sovereignty, and the supposed lack of distinction between the religious and the political realm, all worked against democratic development.”
4. 1. Advantages:
• Short term : because the leader only have 5 year in the first period and 5 year in the 2nd perion so the leader must give better to the advancement society.
• The society feel their voice at the time general elections is important.
• Democracy can provide for changes in government without violence. Because they that chooce self the leader that grasp in a country.
2. Disadvantages :
• Political instability: with this political instability didn’t war between the country that have one view namely democratic, but there war between country democratic and didn’t democratic.
Plutocracy : A plutocracy is a nation ruled by the rich as a matter of policy. Most nations are arguably ruled by the rich as a matter of practice, but few codify this practice in law.
• Poverty
• Wars
• Plutocracy: the dominant people is the rich man because with his money they can do anything.
ReplyDeleteA 320100094 / C
1. Democratic state is a state organization that carried out by the citizen themselves or the principle of the consent of the citizen, because sovereignty belongs to the citizen.
In my opinion, a country known as a democracy if they have some concepts like:
• Participation in making decision.
• Equality before the law.
• Fair distribution of opinion.
• The same educational opportunities.
• Freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion.
• The availability and transparency of information.
• Heeding fatsoen or political etiquette.
• Individual freedom.
• Spirit of cooperation.
• The right to protest.
2. I think it's fair. because an educated person has the same vote with the uneducated one, it is not a differentiator in the vote, which was supposed to be the differentiator is the age and psychologys, because age is important to be able to vote correctly and carefully, as well with psychologys, because if someone disturbed their psychologis, they can’t thinking better to vote, but if the problem educated or not, they are still able to differentiate between good and bad, right and wrong.
3. Democracy is not entirely contradictory and not entirely relevant to Islam.
Principles and concepts relevant to Islamic democracy is the participation of the people in control, lifting, and lowering the government, as well as in determining the number of policies through its representative.
As for which is not relevant when the vote of the people was given absolute freedom that can lead to attitudes, actions, and policies that come out of the signs of Islam
4. Advantages of Democracy
• Peaceful Modifications in the Government: Democracy can offer modifications in government without hostility.
• Averting Monopoly: Furthermore, any government is confined to an election tenure after which it has to contend against other parties to recover power.
• Feeling of Gratitude: This inculcates a feeling of responsibility towards the citizens. The reigning party owes their accomplishment in the elections to the people of the country. This leads to a feeling of thankfulness towards the citizens. It can act as their inspiration to function for the people for it is the general masses that have absolute authority over selecting their government.
• Social Responsibility of the Citizens: An additional vital advantage of democracy is that the citizens achieve a sense of contribution in the procedure of selecting their government. They get the chance to speak out their views by method of electoral voting. This gives ascend to a feeling of belongingness in the brains of the masses towards their society and its well being.
• Short term : The leader only have 5 year in the first period and 5 year in the 2nd perion so the leader must give better to the advancement society.
Disadvantages of Democracy
• Making the wrong choice: In a democratic country, it is the common man who has the supreme right to choose their legislature and their prevailing authorities.
• Authorities May Lose focus: As the government is bound to changes and modification after each election tenure, the authorities may function with a interim objective.
• Hordes Have Influence: A further disadvantage of democracy is that hordes can manipulate citizens. People may vote in support of a party under the pressure of the bulk.
• Plutocracy: the leaders is dominant with rich people, who have matter.
• Political instability: in any country, many instability tragedy, but never there are war between country democratic and not democratic.
• Poverty
• Wars
ReplyDeleteA 320100094 / C
1. Democratic state is a state organization that carried out by the citizen themselves or the principle of the consent of the citizen, because sovereignty belongs to the citizen.
In my opinion, a country known as a democracy if they have some concepts like:
• Participation in making decision.
• Equality before the law.
• Fair distribution of opinion.
• The same educational opportunities.
• Freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion.
• The availability and transparency of information.
• Heeding fatsoen or political etiquette.
• Individual freedom.
• Spirit of cooperation.
• The right to protest.
2. I think it's fair. because an educated person has the same vote with the uneducated one, it is not a differentiator in the vote, which was supposed to be the differentiator is the age and psychologys, because age is important to be able to vote correctly and carefully, as well with psychologys, because if someone disturbed their psychologis, they can’t thinking better to vote, but if the problem educated or not, they are still able to differentiate between good and bad, right and wrong.
3. Democracy is not entirely contradictory and not entirely relevant to Islam.
Principles and concepts relevant to Islamic democracy is the participation of the people in control, lifting, and lowering the government, as well as in determining the number of policies through its representative.
As for which is not relevant when the vote of the people was given absolute freedom that can lead to attitudes, actions, and policies that come out of the signs of Islam
4. Advantages of Democracy
• Peaceful Modifications in the Government: Democracy can offer modifications in government without hostility.
• Averting Monopoly: Furthermore, any government is confined to an election tenure after which it has to contend against other parties to recover power.
• Feeling of Gratitude: This inculcates a feeling of responsibility towards the citizens. The reigning party owes their accomplishment in the elections to the people of the country. This leads to a feeling of thankfulness towards the citizens. It can act as their inspiration to function for the people for it is the general masses that have absolute authority over selecting their government.
• Social Responsibility of the Citizens: An additional vital advantage of democracy is that the citizens achieve a sense of contribution in the procedure of selecting their government. They get the chance to speak out their views by method of electoral voting. This gives ascend to a feeling of belongingness in the brains of the masses towards their society and its well being.
• Short term : The leader only have 5 year in the first period and 5 year in the 2nd perion so the leader must give better to the advancement society.
Disadvantages of Democracy
• Making the wrong choice: In a democratic country, it is the common man who has the supreme right to choose their legislature and their prevailing authorities.
• Authorities May Lose focus: As the government is bound to changes and modification after each election tenure, the authorities may function with a interim objective.
• Hordes Have Influence: A further disadvantage of democracy is that hordes can manipulate citizens. People may vote in support of a party under the pressure of the bulk.
• Plutocracy: the leaders is dominant with rich people, who have matter.
• Political instability: in any country, many instability tragedy, but never there are war between country democratic and not democratic.
• Poverty
• Wars
ReplyDeleteA 320100088/C
1. Core Democratic
• Democracy is government in which power and civic responsibility are exercised by all adult citizens, directly, or through their freely elected representatives.
• Democracy rests upon the principles of majority rule and individual rights. Democracies guard against all-powerful central governments and decentralize government to regional and local levels, understanding that all levels of government must be as accessible and responsive to the people as possible.
• Democracies understand that one of their prime functions is to protect such basic human rights as freedom of speech and religion; the right to equal protection under law; and the opportunity to organize and participate fully in the political, economic, and cultural life of society.
• Democracies conduct regular free and fair elections open to citizens of voting age.
• Citizens in a democracy have not only rights, but also the responsibility to participate in the political system that, in turn, protects their rights and freedoms.
• Democratic societies are committed to the values of tolerance, cooperation, and compromise. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, "Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit."
2. I think its fair. Actually, it turns out that while everyone's vote counts the same, because educated people are more likely to vote, per capita educated people have 1.84 times the influence as the undereducated. On the one hand, the more educated the voters, the better they are able to understand the issues and less likely to fall prey to overly simplistic solutions from politicians. On the other hand, politicians enact policies that get them the most votes and are not as likely therefore to focus on policies that help the poor and undereducated.
3. Islamic law is absolutely incompatible with democracy. It is a theocratic system with Allah alone at its head. Allah's law is interpreted by a ruling body of clerics. There is no room for a secular political system in which all people are treated as equals. Also, the law of one person, one vote is essential to democracy, but heretical to Islam. According to the Qur'an, the testimony of a woman is worth only half that of a man, and Jews and Christians are never to have equal standing with Muslims under the law (and certainly never in a position of authority over Muslims). Atheists are to be killed outright.
4. Advantages:
• short term focus: before the government stands for re-election may encourage a preference for proposing policies that will bring only short term benefits to the electorate, rather than implementations legislation that may be onerous in the short term, but would be beneficial in decades or centuries to come.
• Political stability: it considered as excessive when the group in power remain the same for an extended period of the time.
• Wars: the democratic peace theory claims that empirical evidence shows that democracies never or almost never make war against each other.
• Plutocracy: : A plutocracy is a nation ruled by the rich as a matter of policy. Most nations are arguably ruled by the rich as a matter of practice, but few codify this practice in law.
• Tyranny of the majority: A phenomenon is characterized by the homogeneity of public opinion, due to the psychological dynamics of democratic politics queer community.
• Political instability: a situation where by a country is currently going through political turmoil. It may also involve the death of people within that country and in many cases the country decorates in terms of its economic progress.
• Poverty: more democracy correlates with the higher GDP per capita, a higher score on human development index and lower score on human poverty index.
1. A country that adopts a democratic government will give freedom to the people, the freedom in question is the responsibility of freedom. Freedom preformance found kebeasan choosing religion, freedom of thinking and others.
ReplyDelete2. I think that is fair, because everyone has an equal right to vote. especially in a democracy power was in the hands of the people of the people by the people for the people, so we can not distinguish one class of society to another.
3. so relevant, because democracy is allowed in Islam, as implied in the letter al infidels every human being has the right and obligation to believe any belief that Islam is not Islam also principled restraint and Obedience to Allah, the Prophet, and the leader.
4. Advantages:
a. Prevent the growth of government by the cunning and ruthless autocrat
b. Helping people to protect the basic interests
c. Provide maximum opportunity to run the moral responsibility
weakness of Democracy
Difficult to operate in communities large
Take up too much time is required citizens to do other things-and therefore can lead to apathy is hard to avoid the dominant group
Rina Dwi Cahyani
A 320100012
1. Kinds of country is considered democratic
ReplyDelete• Kind of country is The involvement of citizens (the people) in the political decision-making, either directly or indirectly (representative).
• The recognition, respect and protection of human rights of the people (citizens).
• The existence of equal rights for all citizens in all fields.
• Judicial institutions and an independent judiciary as a law enforcement tool Having the freedom and liberty for all citizens.
• The existence of the press (media) are free to convey information and control behavior and government policy.
• The existence of a general election to elect representatives who sit on people's representative institutions.
• The existence of free elections, fair, to determine (choose) heads of state and government as well as members of the legislature.
• Diversity the recognition of differences (ethnic, religious, class, and so on).considered democratic
2. it's not fair. although democracy comes from the people by the people and for the people. but it was not done because of any educational process and determine the course of democracy to the life of the people in a fair and prosperous. if an incompetent leader, does not have the skill, intelligence and mental. he leads the country only gained infamy both system and purpose in building prosperity.
3. In Islam, every citizen is entitled to provide suggestions and advice to the ruler, host kindly and leave the evil; certainly done through keeping ethics and how good reminder.People also have a duty to obey rulers took over the policies are good. On the other hand ,people may refuse when ordered to do an act that is prohibited by consensus of the muslims and or do a real Because, can not abide anyone to disobey God. This would also happen in a democracy
4. Advantages
• Ensuring citizen control of political power
• the stability of the government, because they can not be dissolved by parliament, so the government worked ith good
• Encourage citizens improve their personal capacity, as polotik raise awareness, increase personal knowledge.
• Creating citizen does not depend on the politicians have narrow interests
• People are much more receptive to the decision that was made closer to the political community and hence potentially give an unstable life together.
• It is difficult to operate in communities large
• the concentration of power occurs pd president and weak supervision of the people.
• Arresting too much time is required citizens to do other things, and therefore can lead to apathy
• It is difficult to avoid the dominant group.
ReplyDeleteA320100036 / A
1. A democratic government contrasts to forms of government where power is either held by one, as in a monarchy, or where power is held by a small number of individuals, as in an oligarchy. Nevertheless, these oppositions, inherited from Greek philosophy, are now ambiguous because contemporary governments have mixed democratic, oligarchic, and monarchic elements. Karl Popper defined democracy in contrast to dictatorship or tyranny, thus focusing on opportunities for the people to control their leaders and to oust them without the need for a revolution. Several variants of democracy exist, but there are two basic forms, both of which concern how the whole body of eligible citizens executes its will. One form of democracy is direct democracy, in which eligible citizens have direct and active participation in the decision making of the government. In most modern democracies, the whole body of eligible citizens remain the sovereign power but political power is exercised indirectly through elected representatives: this is called representative democracy.
2. I think it's fair, because educated people usually choose the more likely the workings of government, but educated people who feel the effects of the workings of the government . Democracy has taken a number of forms, both in theory and practice. Some varieties of democracy provide better representation and more freedom for their citizens than others.
3. Islam is a religion of peace and co-existence, wherein there is ample scope for freedom of expression. In order to understand the concept of democracy in Islam, one should have the knowledge of the Quran, the Hadiths and the Sunnah. Prophet Mohammed himself set a tradition by not appointing his successor during his lifetime and left it to the people to decide their leader.
4. Advantages
In a democracy, power can be transferred from one party to another by means of elections. The jurisdiction of the citizens of a nation determines its ruling authority. Moreover, any government is bound by an election term after which it has to compete against other parties to regain authority. This system prevents monopoly of the ruling authority. It can serve as their motivation to work for the people for it is the common masses that have complete power over choosing their government. Another important advantage of democracy is that the people gain a sense of participation in the process of choosing their government. They get the opportunity to voice their opinions by means of electoral votes. This breeds a sense of belonging towards society.
In a democratic nation, it is the citizens who hold the right to elect their representatives and their governing authorities. According to a common observation, not all the citizens are fully aware of the political scenario in their country. Another disadvantage of democracy is that mobs can influence people. Citizens may vote in favor of a party under the influence of the majority. Compelled or influenced by opinions of those around, a person may not use his own judgment when voting. Every form of government is bound to have some shortfalls. Different people have different views about the various political systems. The advantages and disadvantages of any political system have to be weighed carefully before arriving at any conclusion.
ReplyDeleteA320100101 - C
1.The existence of free elections, fair, to determine (choose) heads of state and government as well as members of the legislature.
The recognition of the differences in diversity (ethnic, religious, class, and so on).
The existence of equal rights for all citizens in all fields.
The existence of the press (media) are free to convey information and control behavior and government policy.
The existence of a general election to elect representatives who sit on people's representative institutions.
The involvement of citizens (the people) in the political decision-making, either directly or indirectly (representative).
The recognition, respect and protection of human rights of the people (citizens).
2. that is fair, because in a democracy all people equal in the eyes of the government.
Accordance with the characteristics of democracy the equal rights for all citizens in all fields.
3. Islam is a system of values that justify and support the democratic political system as practiced developed countries. In Indonesia, democracy has become an integral part of the system of government of Indonesia and other Muslim countries (R. William Liddle and Saiful Mujani, 2000) the characters are Amien Rais, Munawie Syadzali
4. Advantages
Democracy can provide for changes in government without violence. In a democracy, power can be transferred from one party to another by means of elections. The jurisdiction of the citizens of a nation determines its ruling authority.
Moreover, any government is bound by an election term after which it has to compete against other parties to regain authority. This system prevents monopoly of the ruling authority. The ruling party has to make sure it works for its people for it cannot remain being the authority after completing its term unless re-elected by the people.
This brings in a feeling of obligation towards the citizens. The ruling authorities owe their success in the elections to the citizens of the nation. They feel grateful towards people. It can serve as their motivation to work for the people for it is the common masses that have complete power over choosing their government.
Another important advantage of democracy is that the people gain a sense of participation in the process of choosing their government. They get the opportunity to voice their opinions by means of electoral votes. This breeds a sense of belonging towards society.
In a democratic nation, it is the citizens who hold the right to elect their representatives and their governing authorities. According to a common observation, not all the citizens are fully aware of the political scenario in their country. The common masses may not be aware of the political issues in society. This may result in people making the wrong choices during election.
As the government is subject to change after every election term, the authorities may work with a short-term focus. As they have to face an election after the completion of each term, they may lose focus on working for the people and rather focus on winning elections.
Another disadvantage of democracy is that mobs can influence people. Citizens may vote in favor of a party under the influence of the majority. Compelled or influenced by opinions of those around, a person may not use his own judgment when voting.
Every form of government is bound to have some shortfalls. Different people have different views about the various political systems. The advantages and disadvantages of any political system have to be weighed carefully before arriving at any conclusion.
1.Countries considered democratic if it recognizes human rights, free speech admits
2.I Do not agree, because educated people are not the same as people who are not educated. educated people have a deeper knowledge of the 3.field will take a better decision than those who do not have knowledge in a problem.
3.No, because democracy can not be applied into islam, in islam intelligent people have different sounds with people who have no knowledge, while at the same time his voice demokrasio cleric with a thief.
4.Advantages: individual freedom guaranteed
Disadvantages:who has a voice that many wins although it wrong
1. Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Democracy allows eligible citizens to participate equally either directly or through elected representatives in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. It encompasses social, economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political self-determination.
ReplyDelete2. I think it's fair, because everyone has the same human rights upheld and not for distinguishing different. For example, in Indonesia every person has the right to choose who deserves to be president, to march demanding what should be their right, it's just that sometimes the application does not fit. So there is no difference between those educated to uneducated people in terms of democracy are all fair.
3. Democracy is very relevant in Islam. Because this is about fairness, every creature of God is taught to be fair and do not discriminate between one another. It's just the law of politics and democracy in Islam there is a difference.
Democracy can provide for changes in government without violence. In a democracy, power can be transferred from one party to another by means of elections. The jurisdiction of the citizens of a nation determines its ruling authority.
Moreover, any government is bound by an election term after which it has to compete against other parties to regain authority. This system prevents monopoly of the ruling authority. The ruling party has to make sure it works for its people for it cannot remain being the authority after completing its term unless re-elected by the people.
This brings in a feeling of obligation towards the citizens. The ruling authorities owe their success in the elections to the citizens of the nation. They feel grateful towards people. It can serve as their motivation to work for the people for it is the common masses that have complete power over choosing their government.
In a democratic nation, it is the citizens who hold the right to elect their representatives and their governing authorities. According to a common observation, not all the citizens are fully aware of the political scenario in their country. The common masses may not be aware of the political issues in society. As the government is subject to change after every election term, the authorities may work with a short-term focus. As they have to face an election after the completion of each term, they may lose focus on working for the people and rather focus on winning elections.
Another disadvantage of democracy is that mobs can influence people. Citizens may vote in favor of a party under the influence of the majority. Compelled or influenced by opinions of those around, a person may not use his own judgment when voting.
Every form of government is bound to have some shortfalls. Different people have different views about the various political systems. The advantages and disadvantages of any political system have to be weighed carefully before arriving at any conclusion.
A 320 100 010 / A
1.- A country that adopts a democratic government will give freedom for their folk (rakyat), they are free to choose who will be their religion, etc.
ReplyDelete-The existence of equal rights for all citizens in all fields.
-Country is called democratic if the representatives had to accommodate the aspirations of its people, and recognizes human rights.
-The existence of a general election to elect representatives who sit on people's representative institutions.
-The right to protest.
2.That is not fair. Because the learned people can not be compared to people who are not knowledgeable.
3.No, because democracy is based on rules of human, while Islam is based on law of Allah SWT.
4.Advantages of Democracy :
•Peaceful Modifications in the Government
Democracy can offer modifications in government without hostility. In a democracy, authority can be reassigned from one party to another by the mode of elections. The power of the general public of a country decides its ruling power.
•Averting Monopoly
Furthermore, any government is confined to an election tenure after which it has to contend against other parties to recover power. This method averts monopoly of the reigning party. The reigning authorities have to ensure it functions effectively for its people as cannot continue being the authority subsequent to carrying out its term unless re-elected by the people.
•Feeling of Gratitude
This inculcates a feeling of responsibility towards the citizens. The reigning party owes their accomplishment in the elections to the people of the country. This leads to a feeling of thankfulness towards the citizens. It can act as their inspiration to function for the people for it is the general masses that have absolute authority over selecting their government.
•Social Responsibility of the Citizens
An additional vital advantage of democracy is that the citizens achieve a sense of contribution in the procedure of selecting their government. They get the chance to speak out their views by method of electoral voting. This gives ascend to a feeling of belongingness in the brains of the masses towards their society and its well being.
Disadvantages of Democracy :
•Making the wrong choice
In a democratic country, it is the common man who has the supreme right to choose their legislature and their prevailing authorities. As per a general study, not all the people are completely conscious of the political circumstances in their nation. The common masses may not be acquainted of the political matters in their society. This may lead to common man taking an erroneous selection during election.
•Authorities May Lose focus
As the government is bound to changes and modification after each election tenure, the authorities may function with a interim objective. Since they have to go through an election procedure after the conclusion of each tenure, they may lose focus on functioning effectively for the citizens and instead might concentrate on winning elections.
•Hordes Have Influence
A further disadvantage of democracy is that hordes can manipulate citizens. People may vote in support of a party under the pressure of the bulk. Constrained or influenced by the ideas of those around, an individual may not put across his/her accurate judgment.
A 320100032
ReplyDelete- An independent judicial system
- The role of free media
- Democratic elections in that country
- Government by the Constitution
2. Yes, is it. Because all people have the same status and rights to inspirational and participate in democracy system. As well as the election. of the poor, rich, educated or not, all of the freedom of opinion and decisions as they wish.
3. I believe that is no relevant to islam, because there is statement that democracy is a man-made system, meaning rule by the people for the people. Thus it is contrary to Islam, because rule is for Allaah, the Most High, the Almighty, and it is not permissible to give legislative rights to any human being, no matter who he is.
4. Advantages are :
- politics that can threaten the growth and development of a working environment can be reduced with the help of a democratic style of leadership. All the people involved use their skills together for the completion of a certain task and hence, almost all ideas are taken into consideration and carefully debated.
- Communication gap is reduced.
- Democracy can provide for changes in goverment without violence.
Disadvantages are :
- might take advantage of the situation.
- Wars in everywhere.
- the practice rather than the hidden elements.
- poverty because inequality and justice.
Khuslina Sri E.
a. 320 100 011
1. Kind of country are considered democratic :
ReplyDelete- Encouragement by the leader to inspire to become leaders and develop in this area.
- The supreme power in the hands of the people.
- Of the people, by the people and for the people.
2. I personally think that is fair, because if we seen from the notion of democratic we know that all aspirations could be used as a form of popular participation or may be called by the voice of the people to improve the conditions in an area. And we can find out what the will of the people.
3. Yes, is it. Democracy relevant to Islam, because whatever we do while in the common interest and no element of social injustice in the society may well be just that. And then, as long as it is based on justice, prosperity, and aims to develop a region or country in order to create the desired result is okay I guess.
4. Advantages:
- Short term focus (5th)
- Political instability
- It is more partisipative
- People more satisfied with their opinion
- Wars
- Plutocracy
- Poverty
- Tyranny of the majority
- Decision making can be slow because of participation of all
A. 320 100 009
Name:Novi Barokah
ReplyDeleteNim : A 320100112
Class: C
1.What kinds of country is considered democratic?
Kinds of country is considered democratic are:
a.The country that existence of equal rights for all citizens in all fields.
b.Judicial institutions and an independent judiciary as a law enforcement tool Having the freedom and liberty for all citizens.
c.The existence of the press (media) are free to convey information and control behavior and government policy.
d.The existence of a general election to elect representatives who sit on people's representative institutions.
e.The existence of free elections, fair, to determine (choose) heads of state and government as well as members of the legislature.
f.Diversity the recognition of differences (ethnic, religious, class, and so on).considered democratic.
2.In democracy, an educated person has the same vote with the uneducated one. Do you think that it is fair? why?
I think that is fair, because everyone has an equal right to vote. especially in a democracy power was in the hands of the people of the people by the people for the people, so we can not distinguish one class of society to another.
3. Is democracy relevant to Islam? Give your reasons!
Democracy is not entirely contradictory and not entirely relevant to Islam.Principles and concepts relevant to Islamic democracy is the participation of the people in control, lifting, and lowering the government, as well as in determining the number of policiesthrough its representative.
As for which is not relevant when the vote of the people was given absolute freedom that can lead to attitudes, actions, and policies that come out of the signs of Islam.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Democracy? Explain them in brief!
Advantages are :
- politics that can threaten the growth and development of a working environment can be reduced with the help of a democratic style of leadership. All the people involved use their skills together for the completion of a certain task and hence, almost all ideas are taken into consideration and carefully debated.
- Communication gap is reduced.
- Democracy can provide for changes in goverment without violence.
Disadvantages are :
- might take advantage of the situation.
- Wars in everywhere.
- the practice rather than the hidden elements.
- poverty because inequality and justice.
1. - Democracy is government in which power and civic responsibility are exercised by all adult citizens, directly, or through their freely elected representatives.
ReplyDelete- Democracies conduct regular free and fair elections open to citizens of voting age.
- Democracy rests upon the principles of majority rule and individual rights.
2. that is fair, because in a democracy all people equal in the eyes of the government.
Accordance with the characteristics of democracy the equal rights for all citizens in all fields.
3. Yes, Some groups within Islam said that democracy is coming from the west, from the United States. Thus democracy is not supposed to exist in the country inhabited just as Indonesia's Muslim majority.
but, from two things, the establishment of Islamic law as the rule of the state and democracy today, is something that must be corrected in the implementation. Islamic law has not even been a foundation of the state in Indonesia is in the administration of the country.
4. Advantages:
- freedom of speech
- free demonstrations
- Prevent the growth of government by the cunning and ruthless autocrat
- Helping people to protect the basic interests
- Provide maximum opportunity to run the moral responsibility
- allow the emergence of a leader who will trample democracy. Leaders who think democracy is only a tool for the sake of his own ambition, which will suppress democracy so ambition achieved.
- emergence of authoritarianism majority from too liberal democratic Indonesia. It is, to make a difficult political decision was taken unanimously.
1) The characteristics of democratic government
The term of democracy first introduced by Aristotle as a form of government, which is a government which outlined that power rests in the hands of many people.. In development, democracy becomes an order is received and used by almost all countries in the world. The characteristics of a democratic government are as follows.
1.The involvement of citizens in the political decision-making, either directly or indirectly (representative).
2. The equal rights for all citizens in all fields.
3. The freedom and liberty for all citizens.
4.The elections to elect representatives to sit on people's representative institutions.
2) I think it is fair because in a democracy both the educated and uneducated people have the same right to express what they want to convey.
3) Yes because democracy is identical to the openness, but to be firm.
and Islam religions also open (rahmatal lil'alamin = a mercy for all humans, the universe), but the teachings of Islam is very clear and firm; about the unlawful and what is lawful, which is allowed and what is prohibited.
4) Advantages of Democracy
Democracy can provide for changes in government without violence. In a democracy, power can be transferred from one party to another by means of elections. The jurisdiction of the citizens of a nation determines its ruling authority. Moreover, any government is bound by an election term after which it has to compete against other parties to regain authority. This system prevents monopoly of the ruling authority. The ruling party has to make sure it works for its people for it cannot remain being the authority after completing its term unless re-elected by the people. This brings in a feeling of obligation towards the citizens. The ruling authorities owe their success in the elections to the citizens of the nation. This results in a feeling of gratefulness towards the people. It can serve as their motivation to work for the people for it is the common masses that have complete power over choosing their government. Another important advantage of democracy is that the people gain a sense of participation in the process of choosing their government. They get the opportunity to voice their opinions by means of electoral votes. This gives rise to a feeling of belongingness in the minds of the people towards their society.
Disadvantages of Democracy
In a democratic nation, it is the citizens who hold the right to elect their representatives and their governing authorities. According to a common observation, not all the citizens are fully aware of the political scenario in their country. The common masses may not be aware of the political issues in society. This may result in people making the wrong choices during election. As the government is subject to change after every election term, the authorities may work with a short-term focus. As they have to face an election after the completion of each term, they may lose focus on working for the people and rather focus on winning elections.
Another disadvantage of democracy is that mobs can influence people. Citizens may vote in favor of a party under the influence of the majority. Compelled or influenced by the philosophies of those around, a person may not voice his/her true opinion. Every form of government is bound to have some shortfalls. Different people have different views about the various political systems. The advantages and disadvantages of any political system have to be weighed carefully in order to arrive at any conclusion.
1. Democracy is government of the people, by the people and for the people. Democracy is a political form of government that government power comes from the people.
ReplyDeleteand people have the right to speak out in accordance with the choice and their right.Democracy is to protect basic human rights such as freedom of speech and religion, the right to equal protection under the law, and the opportunity to organize and participate fully in the political, economic, and cultural communities.
2. I think its fair because basically it does not affect the degree of difference in choosing the right sounds. Human the same in choosing their rights, because people who are not educated have the right to vote. The difference between an educated person and it is not only seen from the mind tends to be more advanced and have more knowledge than people who are not educated, but everyone has the right to vote. And a voice given the very means for the advancement of democracy in a country
3. Islamic democracy is relevant to put a man equal and equal regardless of caste and beliefs. the consequences of the legislation being considered by Islam must be democratic. in this case the democracy of Islam is different from Western democracy in several important ways including Islam recognizes that sovereignty is only the hand of God.
4. Advantages
• prevent the growth of a democratic government as autocratic mostly autocratic rulers bear the name of something, using the advantage of a nation state with force and violence to achieve their goals.
• democracy guarantees its citizens to use the human rights that are not granted by the democratic system.
• countries with democratic governments are usually more advanced than countries with non-democratic governments.
• Democracy based on party system. Parties are deemed indispensable to the success of democracy. However, the party system has destroyed democracy everywhere. Parties put major concern for themselves than their nation. They thrive on the ignorance of the community.
• government by majority rule is held by ordinary people, which is generally not intelligent, has an opinion that is not controlled and emotional act without reason, knowledgeable limited to, lack of time needed to gain in understanding the information, and suspicious of the skills possessed by the other. Therefore, democracy is weak in quality.
1. Democracy is government in power roomates and civic responsibility are exercised by all adult citizens, directly, or through their freely elected representatives.
ReplyDelete• Democracy rests upon the principles of majority rule and individual rights. Democracies guard against all-powerful central Governments and decentralize government to regional and local levels, understanding that all levels of government must be as accessible and responsive to the people as possible.
• Democracies understand that one of their prime functions is to protect basic human rights such as freedom of speech and religion; the right to equal protection under law; and the opportunity to organize and Participate fully in the political, economic, and cultural life of society .
2. i think that is fair, because because in a democracy each individual is given the freedom to choose not to see people educated and uneducated.
3. yes, because the roots of Islamic democracy, according to Ahmad, is the Koran and political life in the early generations of Islam under the "rightly guided caliphs" (al-Khulafa al-Rashidun). In verse 159 of Surat Ali Imran and 59 of al-Nisa, Al-Qur'an clearly advised Muslims to defend the method deliberation in the decision making process.
4. Advantages:
- Short term focus (5th)
- Political instability
- It is more partisipative
- People more satisfied with their opinion
- Wars
- Plutocracy
- Poverty
- Tyranny of the majority
A 320100037
1. The countries that the government system is come from the peoples, either directly or representative. The peoples can express their opinion freely without being restricted by the government.
ReplyDelete2. I think it is fair, because we as a citizen have the equal right with everyone else, although the people is educated or uneducated.
3. Democracy is not entirely relevant to Islam, there was a time when democracy according to Islam, there are times not. For example, democracy allows anyone to express the same opinion like Islam, provided it does not oppose with the common goal. It is also not suitable if the freedom of speech cause hostility each other.
4. Advantages
• Short term focus: before the government stands for re-election may encourage a preference for proposing policies that will bring only short term benefits to the electorate, rather than implementations legislation that may be onerous in the short term, but would be beneficial in decades or centuries to come.
• Political stability: it considered as excessive when the group in power remain the same for an extended period of the time.
• Wars: the democratic peace theory claims that empirical evidence shows that democracies never or almost never make war against each other.
• Plutocracy: : A plutocracy is a nation ruled by the rich as a matter of policy. Most nations are arguably ruled by the rich as a matter of practice, but few codify this practice in law.
• Tyranny of the majority: A phenomenon is characterized by the homogeneity of public opinion, due to the psychological dynamics of democratic politics queer community
• Political instability: a situation where by a country is currently going through political turmoil. It may also involve the death of people within that country and in many cases the country decorates in terms of its economic progress
• Poverty: more democracy correlates with the higher GDP per capita, a higher score on human development index and lower score on human poverty index.
A 320100019
1. Democracy is a form of power (kratein) of, by, and for the people (demos). According to the concept of democracy, the rule implies politics and government, while the people of the community and its residents are defined as citizens.
ReplyDelete2. I think its fair because, choose not to be seen as a difference of degree one. people who are not educated have the right in their own country. the difference is and Psikology thinking of that person. basically educated people and do not have the same rights. they are also obliged to speak out in the country. election in a country that is in the hands of its people and the country can not stand if there is no voting rights of the people. so people who are not educated or uneducated have the same right.
3. Islam found that the degree of a country regardless of a belief. and the religion of Islam greatly raised so powerful, so it must be democratic Islam in accordance with what has been established by the regulations of the country.
4. Advantages
• human foster democracy more than other systems
• democracy to protect the people, related to their basic interests, such as survival, love, respect, and so on. Democracy provides the freedom to choose, establish the purpose of life and so on, better than any political system.
• party propaganda and often visit a particular society requires a large expenditure. For example in Indonesia, billions of dollars channeled to election every five years. Very large amount of money is spent as salaries and wages of the legislators. The funds should be used for productive purposes, was spent in vain on the basis of campaign and party propaganda.
From the above discussion, we can conclude that democracy has a variety of definitions, therefore there are signs that a country can be said to be democratic. Democracy originated in Athens 2500 years ago, then evolved until today. Democracy has its advantages and disadvantages, which makes it different, but it does not make it worse than any other political system.
• democracy, based on the assumption that humans are all the same or equivalent, because they are familiar and have the same thing in the mental, spiritual and moral qualities. However, critics argue that the notion of democracy is. Humans seem very different in many ways, such as moral stamina and the capacity to learn by practice and experience.
1. Democracy country is the rule of goverment system. include elements such as political pluralism; equality before the law; the right to petition elected officials for redress of grievances; due process; civil liberties; human rights; and elements of civil society outside the government.
ReplyDelete2. It's not fair. because Islam is different from the real truth prioritizing democracy, while democracy prioritize who have money and power. so should we prefer the truth than the number of people. as an intelligent person, in contrast to 10 people fool.
3. The other two groups also have a broad agreement on the opposite side. The first of these two groups include non-Muslims (individuals and institutions) who believe that Islam is quite compatible with democracy and, in the interest of global peace and prosperity the current dysfunctional state ought to be reframed on a democratic foundation. The last group represents Muslims who also concur with their counterparts among non-Muslims. These Muslims do not see any conflict between Islam and democracy. Some would even go further and argue that democracy is integral to the Islamic way of life.
4. Advantages: The greatest advantage of the democratic system is that it provides for changes of government without violence. For example reflected the reality of the situation before weapons of mass destruction. The obvious advantage of democracy is that the majority of people living under a democratically elected government are happy with that government or at least participated in its rise to power and therefore they must shoulder part of the blame for its failings. Another advantage is that typically there is an election term, which means that a government can only do so much damage before the opposition get a chance to undo it.
Disadvantages: At its worst, unchecked it is mob rule. It is a system that delivers power to the greatest number over the minorities in a community and entrusts the majority to care for those minorities even though it is likely counter to their interest to do so. This is an expectation that works against human nature and is therefore an unreasonable expectation. This is a state that is sometimes termed the "tyranny of the majority".Other disadvantages are the necessity to develop policies to win a majority not to do what is right or needed. In effect all public policy becomes a compromise that is often so befuddled by the time it has been negotiated to the middle ground it no longer serves the purpose for which it was intended or worse it does harm.
Dewi Kurniatun
A 320100017
Class A
1. In my opinion, the country is considered democratic countries:
ReplyDelete1. freedom to hold
2. freedom of religion
3. freedom to get justice
3. right to a proper education
4. equal before the law
5. right to protest
6. the right to earn a living should
2. I agree with that opinion, because in a democracy is a country that is free to think and speak, so everyone has the right to speak without looking at one's education or not.
3. In Islam, every citizen has the right to advise, in Islam we are taught that the opinion should respect each other.
4. Advantages:
Equality as citizens
Meet the needs of the general requirements
Pluralism and compromise
Guarantee the basic rights
war everywhere
mutual benefit in a narrow
Rosita verawati
A320100110 / c
nama: Eni Ratnawinata
ReplyDeleteNIM: A320100106
Class: C
1. Country is considered democratic if that country have saveral characteristic of democratic country. They are meeting the needs of the people, investing in the citizens through education and health, ensuring economic opportunity for all citizens, respect for the rule of law, open and transparent institutions of government, free and fair elections, combating public and private corruption and illicit enrichment by any member of government.
2. One of the characteristic democratic country is free and fair election. It means that everyone have same vote without care about the education of them. There is no differenciate between an educated person and the uneducated one. So, it’s fair if an educated person has the same vote with the uneducated one.
3. Democracy is not relevant to islam because there is differenciate law between democrac y in islam.
4.a. Advantages:
• Short term :
• The society feel their voice at the time general elections is important.
• Democracy can provide for changes in government without violence.
b. Disadvantages :
• Political instability
• Poverty
• Wars
• Plutocracy
ReplyDeleteNIM : A 320 100 102 Class : C
1. What kind of country it considered democratic?
Answer :
The country which held with the peoples, from peoples, for peoples and by peoples.
2. In democracy, and educated person has the same vote with uneducated one. Do you think that it is fair? Why?
Answer :
Yes, it is fair. Because we are same, in democracy not allowed for discrimination for educated or uneducated person. Everyone has the same position with the same vote for election in democracy system.
3. Is Democracy relevant to Islam? Give the reason!
Answer :
For me, yes it is. Because in Islam perspective, Islam learned for Moslem to respect with the other. Whatever and However with the knowledge, background and identity of persons.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of democracy?
Answer :
The adventages :
a. Increase the power of peoples want to democratic.
b. Transparations,
c. The peoples can controlled the government system through the vice in legislative,
d. Direct Election,
e. Short term focus,
The Disadvantages :
a. Plutocracy (rich peoples controlled the system)
b. Tyranny of the Majority,
c. Political Instability,
d. Poverty,
e. Wars,
1. Called democratic country, if it has representatives to accommodate the aspirations of its people, recognized human rights and the rights of the people.
ReplyDelete2. No, because the learned can not be compared to people who have no knowledge
3. No, because democracy is based on rules of human, while Islamis based on law of Allah SWT.
4. Advantages of Democracy
a. Safeguards the interests of the people:
Chief of democracy is safeguards the interests of the people. Real power lies in the hands of the people who exercise it by the representatives elected by them and who are responsible to them.
b. Stability and responsibility in administration:Democracy is known for its stability, firmness and efficiency. The administration is conducted with a sense of responsibility.
c. Political education to the people:democracy is that it serves as a training school for citizens. People get impetus to take part in the affairs of the state.
d. Little chance of revolution:Since democracy is based on public will, there is no chance of public revolt. Representatives elected by the people conduct the affairs of the state with public support.
e. Helps in making people good citizens:Success of democracy lies on its good citizens. Democracy creates proper environment for the development of personality and cultivating good habits.
Disadvantages of Democracy
a. More emphasis on quantity than on quality:It is not based upon the quality but on quantity. Majority party holds the reigns of government. Inefficient and corrupt persons get themselves elected. They have neither intelligence, nor vision, nor strength of character to steer through the ship of the state to its destinations.
b. Rule of the incompetent:Democracies are run by incompetent persons. It is government by amateurs. In it, every citizen is allowed to take part, whereas everybody is not fit for it.
c. Lowers the moral standard:The only aim of the candidates becomes to win election. They often employ under-hand practices, foul means to get elected. Character assassination is openly practised, unethical ways are generally adopted. Muscle power and money power work hand-in-hand to ensure success to him. Thus, morality is the first casualty in election.
d. Democracy is a government of the rich:Modern democracy is, in fact, capitalistic. Electioneering is carried out with money. The rich candidates purchase votes. The net result is that we get plutocracy under the garb of democracy-democracy in name and form, plutocracy in reality.
e. No stable government:When no party gets absolute majority, coalition governments are formed. The coalition of political parties with a view of sharing power is only a marriage of convenience.
A320100031 / B
ratih kusumawati
ReplyDeleteA320100116/ C
1.the concept of organising media along democratic lines rather that strictly commercial and/or ideological lines. Like the idea of democracy itself, democratic media looks to transparency, inclusiveness, one-person-one-vote and other key concepts of democracy as principals of operation, "This is a media who's primary objectives are to inform, be open, independent and be accountable.” This is in contrast to the idea that media should be run by commercial operations and with an agenda to make profit from providing media and where the media reflects the opinions and values of the owner and /or advertisers It is also in contrast to state-run operations where the media reflects the value system of the state itself
2. I think the people may not be free to choose any system and elections are not in themselves a sufficient condition for the existence of democracy.
3. Democracy is very relevant in Islam. Because this is about fairness, every creature of God is taught to be fair and do not discriminate between one another. It's just the law of politics and democracy in Islam there is a difference.
4. plutocracy
short term focus
tyranny of the majority
political instability
1. Democracy is a system of government with four key elements:
ReplyDelete1) A political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections.
2) The active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life.
3) Protection of the human rights of all citizens.
4) A rule of law, in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens.
2. I think this is fair, because every people has right to elect, but not to elected. Someone who is elected must has knowledge and do their duty well, it can be done by educated person. The uneducated person can play role by electing the educated person who is competent.
3. Yes, it is. Islam. The model set by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) reveals how democratic practices and theories are attuned to an Islamic state. The first Islamic state based on a social contract was constitutional in character and had a ruler who ruled with the written consent of all citizens of the state. Demonstrating democratic spirit, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) chose to prepare a historically specific constitution based on the eternal and transcendent principles revealed to him but he also sought the consent of all who would be affected by its implementation. This means that in a democracy, Muslims and non-Muslims are equal citizens of an Islamic state.
4. The advantages and disadvantages of Democracy are:
1) Advantages of Democracy
a. Peaceful Modifications in the Government
Democracy can offer modifications in government without hostility. In a democracy, authority can be reassigned from one party to another by the mode of elections. The power of the general public of a country decides its ruling power.
b. Averting Monopoly
Furthermore, any government is confined to an election tenure after which it has to contend against other parties to recover power. This method averts monopoly of the reigning party. The reigning authorities have to ensure it functions effectively for its people as cannot continue being the authority subsequent to carrying out its term unless re-elected by the people.
c. Feeling of Gratitude
This inculcates a feeling of responsibility towards the citizens. The reigning party owes their accomplishment in the elections to the people of the country. This leads to a feeling of thankfulness towards the citizens. It can act as their inspiration to function for the people for it is the general masses that have absolute authority over selecting their government.
d. Social Responsibility of the Citizens
An additional vital advantage of democracy is that the citizens achieve a sense of contribution in the procedure of selecting their government. They get the chance to speak out their views by method of electoral voting. This gives ascend to a feeling of belongingness in the brains of the masses towards their society and its well being.
2) Disadvantages of Democracy
a. Making the wrong choice
In a democratic country, it is the common man who has the supreme right to choose their legislature and their prevailing authorities. As per a general study, not all the people are completely conscious of the political circumstances in their nation. The common masses may not be acquainted of the political matters in their society. This may lead to common man taking an erroneous selection during election.
b. Authorities May Lose focus
As the government is bound to changes and modification after each election tenure, the authorities may function with a interim objective. Since they have to go through an election procedure after the conclusion of each tenure, they may lose focus on functioning effectively for the citizens and instead might concentrate on winning elections.
c. Hordes Have Influence
A further disadvantage of democracy is that hordes can manipulate citizens. People may vote in support of a party under the pressure of the bulk. Constrained or influenced by the ideas of those around, an individual may not put across his/her accurate judgment.
A320100121 (A)
ReplyDelete1. The full dominance in hand society, for society and from society.
The country given the right voice of society to voting and vote.
Giving free to human right.
The goverment as a implementer the constituation.
Give the good service to the society.
2. I think that’s not fair. Because the educated person choose their leader very carefully and use all their knowledge to choose the leader. Althought, the uneducated person thinkless to choose their leader.
3. Of course, the idea of democracy is relevant with Islam. Although when the people/country who considered democracy become fanatic with their idea, so that’s irrelevant with Islam
4. Advantages:
* Everyone gets input into the process, without special qualifications.
* By defintion, the majority of people who participate will like the results.
* It's a form of might-makes-right mob rule, where laws are imposed on the minority by the majority.
* If you are in the minorty, and no higher rules protect you (like a constitution), you are utterly subject to majority rule.
* It allows every member of the society/group to participate in the process, whether they understand the issues being decided or not.
Ana susianti
Class A
1. What kind of country is considered democratic?
Democracy is a form of government that government power comes from the people, either directly or through representatives. Democracy as a form of government, the government outlined that power belongs to the people. democracy as a government of the people, by the people and for the people It means supreme power in a democratic system is in the hands of the people and the people have rights, equal opportunity and voice in government policy set. Through democracy, decisions are taken by majority vote.
2. In democracy an educated person has the same vote with the uneducated one. Do you think that it is fair? Why?
I think it is fair, in democracy an education person has the same vote with the uneducated one the people have rights, equal opportunity and voice in government policy set. Through democracy, decisions are taken by majority vote because educated people can think critically and realistically with the law or the problems facing his country but the people are uneducated are also entitled to respond and argue with the law in the country and participate to issue his opinion.
3. Is democracy relevant to islam? Give the reason!
Yes it is, Of two things, the establishment of Islamic law as the rule of the state and democracy today, is something that must be corrected in the implementation. Islamic law has not even been a foundation of the state in Indonesia is in the administration of the country.
In regard to Indonesian, in fact, about the enforcement of syariat in Islam are forced by circumstances to reflect. Principally, the group wants the establishment of Islamic law in Indonesia.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of democracy?
•Democracy can provide for changes in government without violence. In a democracy, power can be transferred from one party to another by means of elections. The jurisdiction of the citizens of a nation determines its ruling authority.
•the people gain a sense of participation in the process of choosing their government. They get the opportunity to voice their opinions by means of electoral votes.
•Plutocracy: : A plutocracy is a nation ruled by the rich as a matter of policy. Most nations are arguably ruled by the rich as a matter of practice, but few codify this practice in law.
•Tyranny of the majority: A phenomenon is characterized by the homogeneity of public opinion, due to the psychological dynamics of democratic politics queer community.
•Political instability: a situation where by a country is currently going through political turmoil. It may also involve the death of people within that country and in many cases the country detoriates in terms of its economic progress.
Kukuh Iman Altesar
class A
1. The countries that the government system is come from the peoples, either directly or representative. The peoples can express their opinion freely without being restricted by the government.
2. I think it's fair, because educated people usually choose the more likely the workings of government, but educated people who feel the effects of the workings of the government . Democracy has taken a number of forms, both in theory and practice. Some varieties of democracy provide better representation and more freedom for their citizens than others.
3. In Islam, every citizen is entitled to provide suggestions and advice to the ruler, host kindly and leave the evil; certainly done through keeping ethics and how good reminder.People also have a duty to obey rulers took over the policies are good. On the other hand ,people may refuse when ordered to do an act that is prohibited by consensus of the muslims and or do a real Because, can not abide anyone to disobey God. This would also happen in a democracy
4. Advantages:
• short term focus: before the government stands for re-election may encourage a preference for proposing policies that will bring only short term benefits to the electorate, rather than implementations legislation that may be onerous in the short term, but would be beneficial in decades or centuries to come.
• Political stability: it considered as excessive when the group in power remain the same for an extended period of the time.
• Wars: the democratic peace theory claims that empirical evidence shows that democracies never or almost never make war against each other.
• Plutocracy: : A plutocracy is a nation ruled by the rich as a matter of policy. Most nations are arguably ruled by the rich as a matter of practice, but few codify this practice in law.
• Tyranny of the majority: A phenomenon is characterized by the homogeneity of public opinion, due to the psychological dynamics of democratic politics queer community.
• Political instability: a situation where by a country is currently going through political turmoil. It may also involve the death of people within that country and in many cases the country decorates in terms of its economic progress.
• Poverty: more democracy correlates with the higher GDP per capita, a higher score on human development index and lower score on human poverty index.
ali mar'atus sholikah (a320100096/C)
ReplyDelete1. Democratic state is a state organization that carried out by the citizen themselves or the principle of the consent of the citizen, because sovereignty belongs to the citizen.
In my opinion, a country known as a democracy if they have some concepts like:
• Participation in making decision.
• Equality before the law.
• Fair distribution of opinion.
• The same educational opportunities.
• Freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion.
• The availability and transparency of information.
• Heeding fatsoen or political etiquette.
• Individual freedom.
• Spirit of cooperation.
• The right to protest.
2. I think it's fair I think the people may not be free to choose any system and elections are not in themselves a sufficient condition for the existence of democracy.
because an educated person has the same vote with the uneducated one, it is not a differentiator in the vote, which was supposed to be the differentiator is the age and psychologys.
3. Democracy is not entirely contradictory and not entirely relevant to Islam.
Principles and concepts relevant to Islamic democracy is the participation of the people in control, lifting, and lowering the government, as well as in determining the number of policies through its representative.
4. Advantages of Democracy
• Peaceful Modifications in the Government: Democracy can offer modifications in government without hostility.
• Averting Monopoly: Furthermore, any government is confined to an election tenure after which it has to contend against other parties to recover power.
• Feeling of Gratitude: This inculcates a feeling of responsibility towards the citizens. The reigning party owes their accomplishment in the elections to the people of the country. This leads to a feeling of thankfulness towards the citizens. It can act as their inspiration to function for the people for it is the general masses that have absolute authority over selecting their government.
• Social Responsibility of the Citizens: An additional vital advantage of democracy is that the citizens achieve a sense of contribution in the procedure of selecting their government. They get the chance to speak out their views by method of electoral voting. This gives ascend to a feeling of belongingness in the brains of the masses towards their society and its well being.
Disadvantages of Democracy
• Making the wrong choice: In a democratic country, it is the common man who has the supreme right to choose their legislature and their prevailing authorities.
• Authorities May Lose focus: As the government is bound to changes and modification after each election tenure, the authorities may function with a interim objective.
• Hordes Have Influence: A further disadvantage of democracy is that hordes can manipulate citizens. People may vote in support of a party under the pressure of the bulk.
• Plutocracy: the leaders is dominant with rich people, who have matter.
• Political instability: in any country, many instability tragedy, but never there are war between country democratic and not democratic.
1. Democracy country is the rule of goverment system. include elements such as political pluralism; equality before the law; the right to petition elected officials for redress of grievances; due process; civil liberties; human rights; and elements of civil society outside the government.
ReplyDelete2. I think the people may not be free to choose any system and elections are not in themselves a sufficient condition for the existence of democracy.
3. Democracy is not entirely relevant to Islam, there was a time when democracy according to Islam, there are times not. For example, democracy allows anyone to express the same opinion like Islam, provided it does not oppose with the common goal. It is also not suitable if the freedom of speech cause hostility each other.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Democracy? Explain them in brief!
Advantages are :
- politics that can threaten the growth and development of a working environment can be reduced with the help of a democratic style of leadership. All the people involved use their skills together for the completion of a certain task and hence, almost all ideas are taken into consideration and carefully debated.
- Communication gap is reduced.
- Democracy can provide for changes in goverment without violence.
Disadvantages are :
- might take advantage of the situation.
- Wars in everywhere.
- the practice rather than the hidden elements.
- poverty because inequality and justice
ReplyDeleteA 320100054
1. A democratic government contrasts to forms of government where power is either held by one, as in a monarchy, or where power is held by a small number of individuals, as in an oligarchy. Nevertheless, these oppositions, inherited from Greek philosophy, are now ambiguous because contemporary governments have mixed democratic, oligarchic, and monarchic elements. Karl Popper defined democracy in contrast to dictatorship or tyranny, thus focusing on opportunities for the people to control their leaders and to oust them without the need for a revolution.
2. I think it's fair, because educated people usually choose the more likely the workings of government, but educated people who feel the effects of the workings of the government . Democracy has taken a number of forms, both in theory and practice. Some varieties of democracy provide better representation and more freedom for their citizens than others.
3. Islam is a religion of peace and co-existence, wherein there is ample scope for freedom of expression. In order to understand the concept of democracy in Islam, one should have the knowledge of the Quran, the Hadiths and the Sunnah. Prophet Mohammed himself set a tradition by not appointing his successor during his lifetime and left it to the people to decide their leader.
4. Advantages
In a democracy, power can be transferred from one party to another by means of elections. The jurisdiction of the citizens of a nation determines its ruling authority. Moreover, any government is bound by an election term after which it has to compete against other parties to regain authority. This system prevents monopoly of the ruling authority. It can serve as their motivation to work for the people for it is the common masses that have complete power over choosing their government. Another important advantage of democracy is that the people gain a sense of participation in the process of choosing their government. They get the opportunity to voice their opinions by means of electoral votes. This breeds a sense of belonging towards society.
In a democratic nation, it is the citizens who hold the right to elect their representatives and their governing authorities. According to a common observation, not all the citizens are fully aware of the political scenario in their country. Another disadvantage of democracy is that mobs can influence people. Citizens may vote in favor of a party under the influence of the majority. Compelled or influenced by opinions of those around, a person may not use his own judgment when voting. Every form of government is bound to have some shortfalls. Different people have different views about the various political systems. The advantages and disadvantages of any political system have to be weighed carefully before arriving at any conclusion.